Testing 1,2,3
This is the first post since I think I’m starting to get the monstrosity of a computer system up and running.
Do any of you remember Superman III the one with Richard Pryor in it?
At the end, the evil super computer turns one of the bad people into a cyborg covered monster. I’m afraid thats what’s going to happen to me in the near future. There are a lot of cords laying around here.
Well, off to sleep I go. If any of you who read this can see thet blog again, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave a comment.
I see it. But have never seen Superman III.
I can see it, but the formatting is all different. On purpose or is that going to be fixed?
I see it. I also see your Detroit Pistons getting a Texas sized butt kickin, but I am sure you have been tooooo busy to pay attention to that kind of thing.
GO SPURS!!!!!!!!!!
Pistons Forever.
The blog is up.
I can’t see it… 😛
I can see it all and yes GO SPURS!!!! 🙂
Pistons all the way baby!