Review: The Trailers Before Batman Begins.


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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5 Responses

  1. Kelly says:

    I heard about the new P&P and I just have to say, why bother? Oh sure, money, etc, but the A&E one is so definitive and loyal to the book. Plus, I can’t see Keira Knightley as Elizabeth.

  2. gordon says:

    How was batman? i really want to see it. btw, i have a movie i want you to rate. Since you dig those “so bad they are good” movies, i want you to watch buckaroo bonzai across the 8th dimension and tell me how many dancing muses it gets! 🙂

  3. Chris says:

    Kelly: With Knightly in it, I think they are trying to draw in the male crowd.

    Gordon: Oh. It was good. It was nice and good. I can also do Buckaroo Bonzi.

  4. wendy says:

    I don’t see why men like Knightly. I DO understand why men like Jessica Simpson.

    And I was angry to see the preview of Pride and Prejudice. It cannot cannot cannot compete with Mr. Firth, my hero.

  5. Chris says:

    That’s because Knightly is such a kutie. 🙂