Review: Serenity (2005)


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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10 Responses

  1. Dad says:

    Must see it when you come down

  2. gordon says:

    actually, i looked it up and adam baldwin isn’t connected to the “acting” baldwin brothers..

  3. Chris says:

    HE ISN’T?????

    Show Proof!

  4. Chris says:

    Well, I’d be a monkies uncle.

  5. Derek says:

    I’ve been struggling with whether or not I should give the show and the upcoming movie a shot. I’m not a fan of Joss Whedon – loathed ‘Buffy’ and ‘Angel’ was pathetically annoying. His writing on the ‘X-Men’ comic is hugely derivative. But I am a HUGE sci-fi fan, and I have yet to find any fellow sci-fi fans who don’t gush about ‘Firefly.’ I may have to give it a look . . .

    And, VERY cool that you ran into Jerad down in Vegas. How is he? He’s married now, eh? He looks well . . . Very cool . . .

  6. kat says:


    actually i’ve been excited to see it for the last couple of months. i’m a huge joss wedon fan and am a little bit shocked that “buffy” and “angel” could be loathed. tsk tsk… say it ain’t so.

  7. Chris says:

    Kat. It rocks. Derek. It Rocks.

    Go see it. I’ll be in line to see it.

  8. Dad says:

    Chris isn’t the only one that will be in line. This is a different sci-fi show, but it is great. I am going to tie Chris up and make him go with Gordona and I.

  9. Chris says:

    I don’t know.. I’ll pencil some time in for you, if I can. It’s hard being as popular as I am.