Review: Revenge of The Sith (Spoilers)


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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7 Responses

  1. Dad says:

    You really ought to write movie reviews professionally. I think that you hit this one right on the money. My question is, aren’t HR Puffnstuff and Star Wars ala Lucas about on the same level?

  2. Kate says:

    Do you apply one set of standards to all movies, or do you think maybe that some films may be forgiven stupid flaws like bad dialog.

    I ask because I’m having a crisis of conscience w/r/t SITH… I’m usually quite rigid and demanding and all but implacable, but this time, I actually just sat back and grinned and enjoyed.

    Maybe my tolerance for bullsith has just gotten too high in my old age?

    Anyway, I didn’t think it was *that* bad, but then again, I didn’t wait in line outside next to a creepy guy for the priviledge…

    Your review was fun to read, though.

  3. Kelly says:

    You make me giggle, but I still liked the movie- despite the holes and my not believing that Padme would wither away and not understanding why Obi-Wan didn’t kill Anakin.

    However, StarWars theology point. I don’t think Luke is the balance of the force, I think Luke AND Leia are the balance. Male/female, yin/yang, etc etc.

  4. Chris says:


    I really don’t judge movies by one standard. If a movie is bad, but knows that it’s bad (Xanadu, Surf Ninjas), I judge it according to that. There can be some really good, bad movies.

    The Warriors is yet another one.

    But all the Star Wars movies have pretentions for being much more serious, and self important about themselves.

    Oh, and I had to deal with the media blitz as well. That just made me cranky.

  5. Chris says:


    I disagree. The Jedi already had female force holders 😉

    And the movie, ug. 😉 Better than the first two, but that’s not saying much

  6. The Cos says:

    This was a good review and more people should read it. thank you for telling it like it is and making it plain.

  7. The Cos says:

    This was a good review and more people should read it. thank you for telling it like it is and making it plain.