You know what I’m good at?
Oh, I don’t know..
Could it be…
DANG IT. I need to pack. Do I pack?
No. I read blogs.
Blogs I already read. Sometimes I read them for a thrid time.
Oh, and then, I just goof watching TV, yeah, that part in my brain is telling me that it’s 11ish, and I need to pack.
Do I?
I do go around the blog-o-sphere some more though. Checking if anyone has linked to me again. Checking my AdSense balance (Daddy needs some new games, and er, some food for the table?)
Now’s the time I can take out the bags, start filling it with every un-needed shirt, pant, and sock that I own.
Do I do it? No, I start to write a blog entry.
Jimminy Christmas!
I had better get to packing..
Ohhh. Look Something about Britney..