The Apple Friend Bar
I have two two websites I read somewhat regularly. Uncrate and The Awesomer Well, it led me to one of my favorite other websites, “The Onion.” Well, this one was gold, listen to the...
If you don't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a lot longer than you want it to.
I have two two websites I read somewhat regularly. Uncrate and The Awesomer Well, it led me to one of my favorite other websites, “The Onion.” Well, this one was gold, listen to the...
Bout-Me / Church / Goofing-off / Reviews / Single Stupid Guy / Tech-Stuff / The House / Workin
So.. I could be spending time working on the house.. You know, painting, cleaning out the garage, paying bills, selling my plasma so I can pay my little brother for buying electrical stuff, vacumming....
In the midst of the move I decided to get an ipod to make the bachelor pad even schwanker. You know because every bachelor pad needs to be schwanky. So I had been looking...
I know. Blantant begging hasn’t helped on the blog. Begging for iPod touches got me nothing. But hey, it’s Christmas time and no time is better than now to start a list of material...
I know. I know. I’ve been a bad blogger. Is it because I’ve been obsessing about an Xbox 360 (when in reality, I’ll only play one game)? Is it because I’ve been dealing with...
I’ve been at this point in my life where I haven’t been buying a whole lot.. Some sushi stuff, but not a whole lot.. Recently I decided to buy a new laptop.. And that...
Taking a quick breather.. There’s been a lot of learning, lots of walking, and lots of food. Unfortunatly, the walking isn’t out pacing the eating. I’ve been studying for a CCNA test, and just...