Category: Pinball
These things are hard to find on ebay
But after watching this. So much worth it. I need these, me thinks.
Smooth Criminal
I am on my way to becoming a Rock-afire explosion fanatic Tell me if this doesn’t strike fear.. er happiness into you. Eddie are you ok, are you ok eddie?
The Rock-afire explosion
Now, I’m a sucker for documentries of arcade related things. I’ve got “The King of Kong”, I’ve got “Tilt, the battle to save pinball”, and I have Xanadu Now, I just saw this link,...
House 6, Me 0
Final tally with the house # of people with injured feet: 2 # of people who then had to go to the doctor: 1 # of people with injured knees: 1 # of people...
It’s Official, I’m peeing my pants.
I have fallen off the wagon. It used to be that I was in line to see every movie.. Now I hardly see any.. And I’ve resisted this summer’s hype. I really have. But...
The House: Current Status
So. Casa De Chris is looking, well, like a house. To give some background.. I live in an apartment currently. Some like to call it a dungeon, others just like to call it my...