The one where I am a freakin technological genius
I could be spending time working on the house.. You know, painting, cleaning out the garage, paying bills, selling my plasma so I can pay my little brother for buying electrical stuff, vacumming. You know. That kinda stuff.
So I get home on Friday.
And my wireless isn’t working.
And this is a catastrophie..
Wait. Scratch that.
It’s a national disaster.
So I do what any self respecting geek would do. I go online, get the firmware upgrade for the router, save my old config, and upgrade the config.
I then restore the old config.
At this point, a big red light starts glowing solid.
In my profession, big red lights are not something you hope for every day, in fact they are bad. To give you an idea of how bad, go watch a episode of Battlestar Galactica, which is a geek’s show. Notice the mechanical Cylons.
Do they have nice green eye thingies? No.
It’s a big red light.
That’s the stuff of a geek’s nightmares.
And it’s staring me right in the face.
At this point, I have a choice. Throw the router in the garbage and buy a new one.
Or spend two full days, and a night using a paperclip to short out parts of the flash on the motherboard.
I think you know which one I picked.
And it didn’t involve garbage.
So this morning, I had a idea hit me. And I got in, through a kludgy system of shorting the board, upgrading linksys firmware, upgrading to a mini dd-wrt firmware (all this over wireless, which is a big no no) and finally upgrading to a standard firmware.
And after four days of red light. It’s green. And I’m a freakin genius.

Yes, you are a genius, and I didn’t understand anything that you just explained.
Now we know why you make millions