Monthly Archive: October 2005

From the Creative Side…

From the Creative Side…

I know some of you come here for the comedy. Believe you me, I stared at my Laptop LCD for forty five minutes trying to be witty. For awhile, I concidered making fun of...

OHHH the Humanity

OHHH the Humanity

My favorite light Jacket. Has a hole in the pocket. Not just a small hole, I’m talking, HUGE. It looks like something melted it’s way through the jacket. How it didn’t melt into me,...

A day in the life

A day in the life

I got up yesterday to get myself some fresh food at the local Farmers Market. Today was the very last weekend that I can get myself some freshbread and some salsa. So in a...

Blog going down for maintenance…

Blog going down for maintenance…

The whine from the hard drive that runs the blog is driving me nuts. I mean, really, how am I supposed to whisper sweet nothings into the ladies ears, something along the lines of...

When I was your age..

When I was your age..

I was recently over at a friends house, watching me some Survivor Guatemala (So I like *one* reality TV show, big whoop, want to fight about it?). In between watching people stab random strangers...