A day in the life
I got up yesterday to get myself some fresh food at the local Farmers Market. Today was the very last weekend that I can get myself some freshbread and some salsa.
So in a word, I was stoked. I was all buying as much as I could.
After which I was walking back to get my truck when I found myself looking at a woman dressed up in a big PINK PRINCESS costume.
Then I spotted the guy toting around the shotgun, and wearing a SOMBRERO!
Then the lady with the Ballons showed up, and they all had some kind of pow wow. A SOMBRERO!
It was then I decided that I had just walked into the Twilight Zone. This wasn’t just a mistaken step either, I pole vaulted into the Twilight Zone.
I then headed over to the local Army Supply looking for a Pea Coat. The local place goes by the name “The Supply Sargent”, and the guy has a MILLION tractor trailers around the store. For what, I don’t know, but I decided to take some snaps.
In front of the store were some kind of drums of Civil Defense Water. WHAT? Why? I don’t know!
That’s a Drum of HUGE WRENCHES! Oh, I wanted one. I wanted one so bad.
But I had restraint.
After I talked to the tiny man that run the place and had a huge beard, I left.
And leaving Sams Club, I got hit up for some popcorn, from Boy Scouts.
I’m not even going to go into the rest of the day.
Now it’s snowing, if I ever needed a Pea Coat, it’s right now.. (I must have one)
I love farmer’s markets and just discovered that there’s one here in good ol’ Indiana. I’m stoked (if I may so borrow your word).
Also, I encountered a large quantity of princess costumes at Le Target yesterday. But I wasn’t fortunate enough to encounter a grown woman in any of them. I’m sad I missed it.
PS–Army Surplus is pretty much the best store that I know of. I wish there was one here.
Farmer Markets are indeed the bomb.
So seriously in past posts I gave info on pea coats..I think I may just win the prize….two words Old Navy!! Two more words J crew!! (a letter and a word)
The army surplus store in cheyenne has NO DEALS at all. I think he sells stuff there 10X what the army pays the companys that make the stuff, how he stays in business is a mystery to me.
i *heart* sombreros.
a lot.
forget the pea coat and just get one of those
great photo story! 😉 ah…halloween…here we come
Wendy: You are CRAZY!
Panini: It was the beginning of October!