The Countdown to Serenity has begun..
Reviews have already started to appear on the net
HWBS‘s reviews
Rotten Tomatoes Reviews
I need to get me a poster, and I need to get it NOW!
Oh, and it looks like I may have gotten a line on a Pea Coat.
I’ll be looking all hip, and cool.
Dude, your blog has issues. Its loading half way down the page, with only your archives showing. I can’t see the main content unless I go into your archives. Are you trying to hide from me again? I keep telling you it won’t work. I know where you blog!
i saw “serenity” on saturday and loved it.
as i knew i would.
K@: Yeah, you are now officially awesome in my book.
EA: Hey, I can get it to work just fine, must be your browser. So that must mean, I’m right, and you a wrong. 🙂