The House – Behold the Thrones
The House.
I keep getting asked “Are you all moved in?”
If, by moved in, you mean “Do you have boxes and boxes of stuff squirreled away in the other rooms, to make it look like everything is unpacked?”
I’d have to say yes.
Otherwise, I’m just slowly moving towards emptying boxes. Maybe a box a week. So, I should be done and “moved in” sometime in 2013. If I counted the boxes all correctly
And I don’t get anymore boxes.
And I never clean.
Or make food.
Or go to work.
On the plus side, my interior decorator, Jill (she is available for consultation), has done a pretty good job at figuring out how to show my personality in the home. In the next few weeks, I’ll try to get some pictures posted to show the amazing job she’s done.
I really needed the help because the house would be, well, more bachelorrific, without that (like the house would just be a transplant of my old apartment.)
Except for the appliances.
Ohh the sweet sweet appliances.
And thanks to Jill I’ve got some kicking porch chairs..
Take a look
Behold the ski chairs.
Thank you Chris.