I’m just a singer in a rock n roll band


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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8 Responses

  1. Dad says:

    Sounds more like one I can do and sing.

  2. Jill says:

    I am kind of irked. I get that you are trying to be pro woman or something; but by doing so you are actually slightly offensive. It should simply be called Rockband – because it is about rock music, which involves men and woman. If you want to be femenist, you should diss the original for not paying enough tribute to all aspects of rock music maybe. But don’t make this one sound like an estrogen fest because it’s not.

  3. Jill says:

    And I know you well so I imagine you are trying to be funny with your “which isn’t that bad” statement, but that royally pissed me off too. Think about it. You just tried to be pro women (but actually missed the whole point of equality), and then wrapped up your point by making a statement like it’s not so bad to have some female rock songs on there… hmmmm….

  4. Dad says:

    You missed the point of the post. Chris isn’t trying to be pro feminist or anything, at least in my mind. He is just commenting on the fact that the music is not as hard in this version. I know Chris well too, probably better than you do, and you shouldn’t take offense.

  5. Chris says:

    Ok. Ok.

    Even writing this blog, it wasn’t my best work, and it did not flow well…

    So all I was trying to say is that while the first version of rockband only had the token female bands, that this version has a more balanced selection.

    In my own snarky way.

  6. Jill says:

    Well it’s not suprising that my point was missed but that’s okay. Chris, I know you didn’t mean to be offensive…. and your writing ability is fine and has nothing to do with this…. I think you just should have said exactly what you said in your comment – that this version of rockband is more balanced and representative of all rock music. Minus the snarkiness. That’s just my opinion. And it definitely doesn’t imply that this version is easier Mr. Hardy. In fact, I find it more challenging.

  7. Dad says:

    When I say easier, I don’t mean easy as in easier to perform. What I do mean is that it might be a little easier listening. I was listening to rock music before either of you were born. I have listened to, and tried to sing some of the stuff that Chris has in rockband. I don’t particularly find a lot of it easy to listen to, or sing to. What I look for is something memorable, and so much of what is done today (and a lot from yesterday) is just not memorable. The same goes for the first version of rockband, and I haven’t heard this one.

  8. Kelly says:

    Oh bummer. Jason should have waited to buy the new one. He got the original and since I am often the singer in the band, I spend a lot of time switching octaves because male rockstars don’t care to sing in my key. Rude.