Reasons I shouldn’t be in at work till 3:45am.
I’ve decided to bring back the 1800’s and get myself some kickin sideburns and Lambchops.
You can just call me Mr. Darcy.
I have to go take a nap.
If you don't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a lot longer than you want it to.
by Chris · May 16, 2005
Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.
Errrr…okay. I’m not a fan of extensive sideburnage or other facial hair, but hey, you might just look hot with stuff like that.
Oo la la, Mr. Darcy!
Wow! Sideburns! Okay you go boy! I hope that you are not growing a full beard. Well I guess that only you can have sideburns and make it look good!
Hey, sideburns/lambchops always look good.
“sideburns/lambchops always look good”
isn’t that chapter 3 of the book “anything the founding fathers can do i can do better”?