On the Wagon, Off the Wagon, Back on the Wagon, and Stuff to do
Here I sit at the last Day of training weekend after training. I have a LOT to get done!
Get Some Strech Wrap -
Get the On Call Pager -
Secure places for the Pinballs -
Clean out Truck -
Talk to the Pinball Operator - Write my Arcade Inventory Prog
Write for RMA for the power on my laptop. -
Write this Blog Entry - Other Stuff, which I’ve forgotten (Curse my old age!)
Buy Stuff, and fix up accounts. -
Buy a Playfield Rotisierre -
Buy a Parts Tumbler - Get My Cola Machine Fixed.
Oil My Truck -
Clean the Bathroom -
Send off the Rio Unit I have to get fixed. -
Deposit some money -
Get a bottom created for my Fishtales (part of the Grand Fishtales restoration) - Actually.. Glue together my Fishtales
Go to the farmers market
And on, and on, etc etc…
Ad to the fact that I have fallen off the wagon while here in Denver. Since the food is free, I’ve been gaining weight, I can tell. So. It’s time to exersize and Diet again! Woot!
Gots to remember what else I need to do, but my brain. It’s fried (and there was some important things I wanted to do, to!)