Movie Review: Moulin Rouge


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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6 Responses

  1. kat says:

    “moulin rouge” is a stellar movie.
    but no matter how much you love it, never let yourself get suckered into seeing a play at the u of u about alexandre dumas’ son who wrote the story.
    trust me.

  2. Kelly says:


    I adore Moulin Rouge.

    And not just because Ewan McGregor figures so prominently.

    I love that song too. Moulin Rouge is the kind of movie that leaves you sighing for the lost love and wishing to find someone to whom you would want to sing that song to.

  3. Stef says:

    A color explosion. That’s what I remember about “Moulin Rouge”. And Baz Luhrmann, who’s just crazy and amazing…Shamu. 😉

    Your note just about made me fall over laughing. I think you’re cool. ~~

  4. me says:

    One of my fav movie of all time! And you liking it, I guess you probably are a closet romantic. Heh.

  5. Chris says:


    Some day I might admit that I’m a closet romatic, but right now I have to maintain my street cred with my homies.