I’m beat.


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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4 Responses

  1. Rachel says:

    Gosh, Chris, I’d marry you myself if it weren’t for that love of BNL! I know I’m very much in the minority, but I just can’t stand them. They make me want to rip my ear drums out and beat myself to death with them. It’s that voice! **shudder** I have heard they put on a fun show, though! Feel free to stop by my place and rag on my taste in music. 🙂

    Sorry to hear of your overworkitude and wish you best of luck in getting over the hump!!!

  2. EA says:

    I heard the BNL “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” last night and thought of you.
    Looking forward to your column debut next week!

  3. mgm says:

    how much extra time do you think you’ll have during this “vacation”? 🙂

  4. Chris says:

    Rachel: Oh, sorry. When it comes to BNL, I’m a rock. I you could almost say I’m a fan.

    EA: Yeah, that’s the CD they are pimpin.

    mgm: I’m hoping you let me nap at least a few minutes, like say, 5?