And the Black Plague Hits
As happens almost every year, I get sick near the end of the year.
I think it’s because of the crazy stress of trying to get everything wrapped up, just so I can get next year started.
Anyways, I’m here, sitting in my “Sugar Daddy” PJs, sucking down all manner of medicine, running the vaporizer, and just feeling all around crappy.
One hopes that I don’t get the Pnemonia again.
But I hate going to the doctor. I think that’s the stereo typical male in me.
I hate doctors. It doesn’t help that my work changed providers, and now I *can’t* go to the one I went to.
That sucks.
Anways, I’m going to finish up some email, write some comments in the blog, and then pass out on the couch.
If I’m lucky.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. I hate end of the year sickies.
Get well soon!
Sick as he is, he still manages to to further increase my love of the Barenaked Ladies.
Sorry to hear about your sickness! I’ve got a touch of the paranoia. I just bought disinfectant wipes for my desk and a bunch of hand sanitizer. One can never be too careful… I hope the couch treats you well and that you get better soon!
Ever heard of Colloidal Silver? You must check this out if you ever want to never get sick again! Well, at least it’s something that will help prevent sickness and promote good health.
Goodluck with the sniffles!
Never heard of it, and the link. It Don’t Work.