If you like being surprised by stuff..
Christie.. This is not for you…
JK Rowling, Stephen King and John Irving have been going around New York reading parts of their books. During one of the readings, Rowlings awnsered some questions. I’ve spoilered out the quotes, so if you want to see what she says, highlight the black area below. If you want to discuss this in the comments, please use the < spoiler > and < /spoiler > tages to open and close respectively what you want to discuss.
So without much ado
(Question about Aunt Petunia’s potential to love Harry): I will say this… There’s a little more to Aunt Petunia than meets the eye.
And then
(Question about upcoming deaths): You shouldn’t expect Dumbledore to pull a Gandalf. I need to be more explicit: Dumbledore is definitely dead. I know there’s an entire site out there called DumbledoreIsNotDead.com, and I’m sorry they’re not going to like this answer.
Which awnsers a question I’ve had for a long time…. And it makes me sad.
I guess Stephen King was asking Rowlings to not kill off Harry..
Who knows…
Ok everyone, speculate!