Here a Link, There a Link, Everywhere a Link Link
Here’s a few quickies.
An article from Slate about the cost of running a Theater. From the article
First, they are in the fast-food business, selling popcorn, soda, and other snacks. This is an extremely profitable operation in which the theaters do not split the proceeds with the studios (as they do with ticket sales). Popcorn, for example, because of the immense amount of popped bulk produced from a relatively small amount of kernels—the ratio is as high as 60:1—yields more than 90 cents of profit on every dollar of popcorn sold.
90 cents of pure profit, on every bag of popcorn. It further goes on to talk about how the popcorn is salted, to make sure people buy Soda, yet another Cash cow.
The article has several good points. Theaters make money in the following ways
1) 50-50 split for ticket prices
2) Cost cutting on projectionists, and gear
3) Advertising (up to $50,000 per screen anually, especially for those theaters willing to pump up the volume during the commercials).
4) The consessions cash cow.
Interestingly enough, the Theaters don’t want a movie over 128 minutes since it will cut into their advertising profits. The studios will then threaten to not provide a big flick (Harry Potter, etc) if they don’t show the studios upcoming film reels.
Is it really any surprise that more and more people are waiting for DVDs, PPV, or just downloading movies from the net, and then building big Home Theaters?
The consessions are cheaper, the service is better, and the quality may be better as well. Things are a changing.
Here’s another little Article from a guy who hacked Microsoft Pinball. Not only does he list the cheat, but he explains how he did it, which is interesting for a geek like me.
Oh, and it deals with Pinball.
Lastly Photography:
I like taking snaps, I really do. I’m just not always the best at them. This article talks about how to make your digital photos look a lot better, and some DIY lighting. Once again, it pleases the geek in me.
Is this some sort of geek test? I thought I qualified, but perhaps not. I think you need to change the title to “Here a link, there a link…OH Wait, I forgot to do the links!!!”
Hardy, don’t tease, it’s not nice 😉
Yeah, whatever punk.