Am I that Guy?


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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8 Responses

  1. katie says:

    Wow, if I were her and your excuse for making me feel like a retard for showing up to your house for an unofficial TV date was that you “lost track of time” I would be prone to “loose track of your number.” I don’t have much tolerance for unthoughtfulness. (this was meant in a kind way, not quite so harsh as it came off sounding)

  2. Chris says:

    Yeah, I know. Part of the steps to recovery, is to admit you have a problem, no?

    I could come up with a bunch of excuses (which, alas, I pretty much did) But when it comes down to it, I was in the wrong. No if ands or buts.

    I’m attempting to reconcile the problem, and do good by her. Beyond that, it’s pretty much up to her.

    I do stupid guy stuff, a lot of the time šŸ˜‰

  3. Crystal says:

    Unless it were a habitual thing, I’d be pretty understanding.

    Things happen.

    And girls worth your time would recognize that.

  4. JL says:

    If you are interested in her, then you should definitely nix that kind of behavior. It tells her, and makes her feel, that you don’t like her enough to bother ‘keeping track of time’. She’s thinking: If he really liked me he would be excited to see me and watching the clock and would not want to give me a bad impression of him by being late. …It’s true isn’t it?
    From the sound of her voicemail message, she’s picked up on your lack of excitement and will probably pull the plug on you soon if you don’t pick it up.

  5. Chris says:

    Well, that’s part of the problem. I like being around this girl. I can tease her (within reason), and have a somewhat fun time. The only thing is that she is 1) Very Molly (and I’m not the coresponding Peter P.) and 2) Her dad has been a Bishop/Stake President/Mission President. She measures guys by her dad. I don’t know that I would ever meet up to those standards.

    I enjoy being her friend, and maybe we will just have a DTR (ech) sometime down the road to talk about it.

  6. Brian says:

    Very insightful!

  7. Brian says:

    Very insightful!

  8. Melanie says:

    I personally wouldn’t have been offended. First off, you were at work, second it was a television show. But, I guess that others have spoken the opposite way. You definitely made an effort to fix it!