Cleaning the Bachelor Fridge.
It’s that magical time.
The time in a Man/Boys life when something special happens.
I think you all know what that is. If you are a girl, and haven’t had a brother/father/cousin/random guy off the street tell you about this magical time, then that’s what I’m here for.
I care for you. That Much. I really do.
There is no real pattern. It can happen once a week, a month, or every other year. When a roomie can’t stand the stench, it’s time to begin.
Taking some of the food out of fridge and admitting defeat.
It takes an inner strength to realize, some of that food just won’t be edible.
Behold, the Bachelor Fridge!
I’m thinking this was a onion.
Notice the nice little layer of liquid (Onion Juice?)
Is that snow on those Strawberries!?!
Well, that time of the year is over, thank goodness. No more feeling all moody. The fridge has been exorcised! Move along!
I’m proud. I didn’t even try to save the containers. I just chucked everything 😉
Sometimes it’s just tough to let go, but those containers can just make you procrastinate longer.
Hmmmm. . .when was this family of five’s fridge last cleaned out. . .the same amount of time?
Pictures make it so much more personal.
Just wait until I clean the bathroom.