Monthly Archive: February 2006


I <3 the dog whisperer

14198 Now that I have access to every channel known to man (surpisingly there is usually nothing on) I have started to watch me some Cesar Millan (his blog is here). Now call me...

It’s so cool, it scares me.

It’s so cool, it scares me.

I have been mulling over the idea of buying a house, I was also busy reading planet wordpress when I came across  Scary and cool at the same time, no?  Go ahead, stick...

Fruitcake Toss

Fruitcake Toss

I was perusing my latest issue of Make when I came across a story about the folks of Manitou Springs.They have an Fruitcake Toss Competition. You heard it right. They toss fruitcake out of...

Why I support Pete Ashdown

Why I support Pete Ashdown

For those of you who know me, you know that my politics are all over the place. I don’t hold to a particular party line. I’ve done volunteer work for both the Republican and...