The news of my lethargy are greatly exagerated
Or just exagerated.
Apparently I do have people who read the blog. I was wondering..
So what’s been happening?
I have managed to get myself another pinball machine, this one is a Terminator 2.
This involved me talking to a operator from Nebraska, meeting him in Denver to avoid shipping charges, and then unloading it, putting it on a dolly, pushing it over a hill and then down some stairs (of which, I almost died, or came close). Eventually I got it into the room.
Afterwhich I had to prep for Valentines day. Then there was the trip to Utah, then I came back.
Yeah. Life’s been boring. Oh. I’ve been cleaning as well.
Sometimes life just isn’t very entertaining. Sometimes life is very stressful, and full of decisions. I guess that means I’m getting older? Oh, my monitor broke as well.
Part of the problem is that my creative muse is wandering off in the woods. Part of the reason I blog is to get a reaction. Laughter, anger or disagreement are what I attempt to provoke. I guess I’ve been wondering if people are even interested in what I have been saying.
Some people blog for themselves, I blog for others.
So I’ll stop watching court Tv, and blog some more, if ya’ll are interested. Maybe I can get Court Tv to find my Muse.