Xanadu Xaaaaannnaaaaaadddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuu
Well, in my trapsing around the Internets, I found a review of one of my favorite bad movies ever.
Now the few of you who read this blog, may realize that I make everyone I can watch this movie.
Beware coming over to my house, because I’m liable to whip this sucker out.
It’s so bad. As I’ve told others, you need to knwo see the truly bad to appreciate the good. And this is the really bad.
From the Review
Kira – Olivia Newton John! Muse and organic mood ring supreme, one moment she’s glowing blue, then orange, etc.
Then The Plot:
What has Olivia Newton John, Gene Kelly, roller skates, lots of glowing blue people, quasi disco music, and never ends?
Exactly – Hell.
Living in this fairy tale torture chamber is Sonny, he is an artist with talent, at painting album covers at least. This is why Kira, daughter of Zeus and inspiration for fine art everywhere, decides he is the only one who can make Xanadu happen. With Danny providing venture capital of course. All of this nicely explains the decline of Greek civilization, Zeus and his siblings are spending their time opening roller skate dance clubs. Meanwhile the Greek population is burning goats at a furious pace hoping for a little help against these Roman fellows. (“Could we have another Alexander please, this disco thing you turned us on to is very nice, but now everyone else wants to kick our ass.”) Did I mention the two lovers briefly change into a Don Bluth animation? Where’s a bucket of dip when you need it…
The review had me crying, go read it, it’s good.
On other fronts, I’ve been feeling sick, which didn’t make the Star thing any better. And I crashed two computers. So my week sucked monkey butt. I go on pager in three days, which has me all kinds of dreading it.
Anyways, I need to go fix something.
1 Response
[…] Ok, maybe true.. But this you can blame on my co-workers. They were discussing “The Balad of Bilbo Baggins” and I was mocked for my wierd, if a bit obsessive love for the Movie Xanadu. I even reviewed it here . Well, my co-worker mockery made me go look on Youtube. […]