Top 10 Reasons to Attend a Singles Ward
I kept on reading about the munch-n-mingles and found the Top 10 Reasons to attend a singles ward Here’s a exerpt:
Top Ten Reasons to Attend a Singles Ward
10. Silent sacrament meetings.
9. Munch and mingle every other Sunday.
8. Way more money in the activity committee?s budget.
7. No wondering if cute guy/girl in the row in front of you is married.
6. Flirt to convert is actively applied.
5. With the high turnover rate, annoying ward members should be gone in 3-6 months.
4. Fresh meat every 3-6 months.
3. With the elders quorum passing the sacrament, rarely does bread fall in your lap. But if it does, you know it is because you looked really good that day.
2. If there is a good football game on, we can just attend a family ward in the morning.
1. Any activity not sanctioned by the church handbook is just called an unofficial ward activity and we still hold it at the bishop?s house.
Ten More Reasons to Attend a Singles Ward (we couldn?t stop at just ten!)
10. Couples who go overboard on the public displays of affection are soon in a family ward.
Oh, I had to laugh!
I don’t know where you found this but it was good. Mom and I got a good laugh.