The Power of the Choke
I consider myself a fair man.
A Kind Man.
A Just Man.
But when one besmirches the name of the Detroit Pistons.
I cannot let it pass.
My friend Brendon left a comment here, talking up the Spurs. I decided, I’d be the bigger man. I’d let him have his day. The series would show who the best team was.
Then I go and read their Blog and what do I see? He mocked the good boys of Detroit (or as I have started callin them, the Angels of Detroit).
We shall see how this turns out, since last night they, shall we say, wiped the floor with the Spurs.
Disclaimer: I spent a good portion of my life in Detroit. I have some loyalty to them.
Family & Friends check out my Comment back, and feel free to let the Brendo know which team is *the best* team in the NBA.
Brendo: Some things can be forgiven. You are treading on some thin ice buddy. Can’t wait till you make it up here in a few weeks so I can openly mock you when Detroit wins, yet again.
Peace Out.
Now there’s the Hardy I know and love. Let the trash talk begin, or in the Piston’s case, let the trash-ball begin. I think that you meant to say that after the first two games, you realized your team really stunk and didn’t want to say anything (what was there to say?). But now that they have tied up the series, all of a sudden the mute can talk. There’s Detroit loyalty at its finest. Where was the Detroit love last week? Bigger man, or scaredy cat?
Why wait til I come up there in 2 weeks? Come down here next week, and we’ll go to the final game in San Antonio. I might evan buy you a big Spurs pointy finger to hang on the wall of your new pad. You can have it hold your Pistons mop.
Love ya man!!!!!!
HAHA! That was funny! Just wait until they go back to Texas. They want to win big on their home court. Plus, how do you think the NBA makes all of its money, they have to drag on the series to make money! The spurs were just letting them have some time in the spot light! I knew I liked those Moore boys for some reason and it wasn’t because Tyson steals my shoes either š
It’s sad. The People I Love so Much, being so misguided.
Let’s make a wager.
Crystal, If Pistons win. You make me some Carmel Popcorn.
Brendo: Enchilladas, and you get Leigh to make me some of those heart attack in a white chocolate ball candies.
And, I’ll, uh, be a gracious loser if they lose..
Brendo, I need to be in Vegas this next week, so I can post pictures of me eating crepes.
Hey hey hey now. I don’t like that wager at all. First of all, if the Spurs DO happen to loose (which they WON’T), then Brendo should have to promise you something he’ll do HIMSELF, because the terms you have proposed involve only other people on his behalf (You know Mom or me would be making the Enchiladas). Geez. Get your own tots and stop involving me in this trash! (Unless of course, you want to make a seperate wager with me…that involves more on your part than just being a gracious loser.)
Now, I may be (I am) the biggest Piston fan in the family. The Pistons have completely turned the series around and not let the little boys Parker and Ginobli get into the paint…they are toast now. There are no leaders on the Spurs…nice little shy Tim Duncan…who fires them up when they are in adversity?? Not the Mr. Coach “They will figure it out themselves”. But on the Pistons side, you have RASHEED, and all the players have confidence to get the job done. They’ve been in this situation before…They took 2 straight from the Heat, one in Maimi..Game 7 with Shaq and Wade. Now, they figured out how to stop the Spurs…and it will be over in 6 games, Pistons back-to-back. Do you remember last year when the Spurs were up 2-0 and lost the last four to the same team the Pistons dismantled in the Finals…
All I can say is, Crystal, you sure are misguided. Brandon and Leigh, you have lived in Texas too long, and obviously don’t know who to route for. Chris and Michael, right on the Mark. Go Pistons. Detroit, Baseketball!!!
Leigh: I’ll do whatever ya want. Heck. I’m so sure that the Pistons will win, I’d watch me some Pride and Prejudice or Anne of Green gables if they lose.
That’s how sure I am that they will win. 150% sure.
Let me know what you want me to wager, I’ll put it on the line.
As for the wager with Brendo. I don’t know what more there is to get from him.
Except, perhaps his pride? I’ll take that, just like I did last year!
I’ll have to think about this…
Ok, Hardy my boy…game on.
Here’s the deal:
Spurs win, you take Brendon and I to Batman when we’re in Cheytown, your treat, with all of the popcorn, soda, and licorice fixins.
Pistons win, Brendon and I come to Cheyenne bearing gifts: Texas brisket and Oreo balls to last you a goodly while.
Whaddya say???
Wow Chris…make sure to save me some Oreo balls and Brisket…