The one about Faith
I recently had a friend talk to me about what boiled down to faith. I won’t mention names (yet again) to protect the innocent. It was a very interesting discussion. The gist of the discussion was how do I believe what I do.
At the end of the day, I believe what I do because I have a relationship with my Creator. Based on that relationship, I have faith that I am on the correct course for my life. That the Religion I follow is the correct one. Do I have some difficulties with the culture of the Church? Sometimes. Do I believe in the Doctrine? Absolutely. There are parts of the culture and administration that have and will change. The basic Doctrines of Faith, Repentance, Baptism and the Holy Ghost will never change. The Atonement will never change.
To me, my religious faith is no different than my scientific faith. Much as I rely on men and women who are experts in their field to understand why principles work, I rely on men who are led and inspired to led the followers of Christ.
At the end of the day, I can’t tell you how gravity works. I can’t tell you the mechanics of how God touches peoples lives. I can see how both affect people.
And that’s enough for me.
Well…. they do both effect people but the difference is that a scientist can actually show you scientific evidence to show how gravity works versus with religious belief there is no physical evidence; one just has to have faith. But I agree that lack of scientific evidence doesn’t discount religion; it just makes it different than science. When all is said and done, if for you it is enough to feel God’s presence in your life than that is all you need.
I encourage people not to ignore science, but I return the sentiment by not ignoring other’s religious beliefs. Hence, the questioning and seeking of understanding. I value understanding. Yet with one’s faith, it is hard to truly understand because it is something unique and personal to each individual, as you have helped to remind me, so thanks.
And don’t worry about keeping my identity a secret (unless you share something I explicitly tell you is just between you and I); I am open and value that about myself.
I actually think that there could be less hate in the world if people were more willing to discuss different points of view with an open mind. Admittedly, I do sometimes judge and have preconceived notions and intolerance but I try not to. And that is something that I respect in you Chris; you too seem to try to be non-judgemental and respectful of all people, regardless of their beliefs. I value that you can be strong in your faith without putting those down that have different beliefs.
Well, it must be true for us to be such good friends! =)
Well said Chris and Jill.
I agree with most of what you say with this exception. You can show gravity in action. The results of gravity. I can see gravity in action. Take a look at the Wikipida article on Gravity Great minds (Newton, Einsten) have grappled with what causes gravity.
Much like I can observe the effects of Gravity on an object, I can observe the positive effects that a belief in God can have apon an individual. For myself, I’ve had experiences, that while I cannot explain, have bolstered my faith and belief in God.
As far as Science and Religion, they can both work together without, for the most part, being at odds with each other.
To me, they are both working towards the same ends, a better understanding of the universe around us.