R.V. Dreams
I should really be packing for my “Denver Excursion”. In fact, I’m sitting right next to my bag-o-goods, and all it has are my unmentionables as well as some socks.
It’s late.
Or barring that, I should be regaling the blog about my taking of the Xanadu DVD to work, and showing it to co-workers.
I think I have a convert. Or Two. I’m sure the words “How much did you pay for this?” and “Why exactly are they skating around to music?” are their tentative steps to the wonderful world that is Xanadu.
No. I won’t talk about that (until Saturday, at least).
No. I thought I’d talk about one of the dreams of my life. My ultimate dream.
To drive around an RV (Google defines RV as: short for Recreation Vehicle, a generic term for all pleasure vehicles which contain living accommodations. ) Taking snaps (aka photos) of the good ole US of A.
Look at those sleek trim lines. I must have one!
Some might laugh. Others might scoff at this dream. Oh how I pity their RVless existence. They won’t know what it’s like to drive around the US, staying nights at the WalMart parking lots (which will probably own the US by that time)
I plan on seeing every state. Guzzling up as much as possible. Hopefully by the time I buy my RV, they will run on something cheaper than the current Gas. Preferably dollar bills.
I can then say “I get 10 miles to the Washington” or “I get 50 miles to the Jefferson”.
Then, when I’ve seen all of the Continental US, it’s time to go see Hawaii!
Oh, I’m getting all verklempt!
I’ll give you a topic, Rhode Island. It’s neither a Road, nor an Island. Discuss!
Weird things are happening at your house.
Ok. What exactly is that SUPPOSED to mean?
A Guy *has* to have dreams, no?
I’ve always wanted an RV. 🙂 I used to love camping, but can’t do it anymore with my knees the way they are. Before the number of temples exploded (which is only a good thing), I once thought it would be fun to visit all the temples via road trip.