Walkkkeenn In Spppaaaacceeee
Sorry I’ve been lax.
I’m packing to get ready to go to Spokane Wa.
I’ve been attempting to get all caught up in real life as well.
So, here’s a treat for you who still come by here.
And for those, like me, who believe you can never have enough Walken
Absolutley Fabulous!
I heart Walken
How evilly hypnotic that is. Now I’m supposed to send the check where, Chris? 😉
Oh, you know how to find my address. 😉
http://www.walkenforpres.com/ – For those of you who want to see Walken on his steps to the Presidency of 2008
http://www.genmay.com/showthread.php?t=562197 – For those of you who love Walken 😀
What party does he belong to?
I need to sign up 😉