Looking For Suggestions


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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24 Responses

  1. Heather says:

    I think PeeWee Herman would be super funny!!

  2. Chris says:

    I just don’t have a gray suit to wear…

    Or I’d DO IT!

  3. Craig says:

    Forgive me for saying this, Chris, but while you do make a rather good clown, you’ve just earned a spot on my list of worst nightmare fodder. Eeek.

    Of course, then again, I am not a Halloween kind of guy, and you can read about the tragic experiences that led me to that point in my blog entry, “ Why I don’t care for Halloween“.

  4. Chris says:


    I’d pull that face, and girls would look at me and say “please don’t ever do that to me again”.

    I laughed.

    As for your experiences, I feel for you πŸ˜‰

  5. sherp says:

    Clowns are the freakiest thing ever!

  6. wendy says:

    please don’t ever be a clown again. *shivers in fear*

    i think that you should go as an arcade game.

  7. kristen says:

    That may be the scariest clown costume I’ve ever seen. So scared right now. But you have a link to Ben Folds on your site, so all is forgiven.

  8. Susannah says:

    Anna Nicole Smith

  9. Panini says:

    Wow, that clown outfit was effective. πŸ˜‰ I vote for sticking with that one…you could give it an edge and carry a plastic knife… (isn’t everyone afraid of clowns?)

  10. April says:

    Be an undertaker. Carry around measuring tape for your “clients.”

  11. kat says:

    be the guy from “say anything” (roy?).
    wear a trenchcoat and hold a boombox over your head the whole night.

  12. Craig says:

    kat means Lloyd Dobler.

    I think that would be cool, but even cooler if you could get appropriate prosthetics, so you didn’t have to hold up a boombox all night. πŸ˜‰

  13. Albert says:

    I would like to see you dress up as Sean Connery for Halloween. It would be a great excuse to do your impression. I have great memories of your Sean Connery songs.

  14. Chris says:

    Sherp: Clowns are the source of animal ballons.. They can’t be *that* bad… I mean, Really..

    Wendy: That was my Happy Clown Face! How would one go as an arcade game? The only costume I can think of would be.. Heavy…

    kristen: You mean I don’t look like Happy Clown?

    Susannah: I don’t have.. The.. Ahem.. Assests, and the parties I’m going to don’t want cross dressing πŸ˜‰

    Panini: I was a HAPPY CLOWN! Happy Clowns don’t carry around knives! Well, most of the time they don’t…

    April: I like the way you think.. I just have to find a good suit…

    kat: I think this one’s a winner. You mean kind of like this?

    I just don’t have a brown trenchcoat. I do have a black one.. hmm…

    Albert: SHHHHHHHHH No need to bring up my days as a Sean Connery Lounge singer..

    What would that costume look like anyways? I don’t have near enough chest hair to look like him..

  15. Brendo says:

    I think you ought to upload some Sean songs. Come on, you have to have a mic, just sing us something and post it here, we all want to hear it!!!

  16. wendy says:

    make the arcade game out of a refridgerator box.

    less heavy.

    it’s almost halloween, what are you going to be?

    and please never show me your scary clown face!

  17. EA says:

    Sean Connery singing impressions?? Oh PLEASE share!!!

  18. Chris says:

    Brendo: I know nothing of the “Sunday School Songs Sung By Sean” Best of Collection. So I couldn’t put it online.

    Wendy: Hmm. Well, Now I go looking for a big cardboard box.

    EA: I would know nothing of singing like Sean.


  19. Chris says:

    Oh, and perhaps I’ll go as a Carnie this year!

  20. H says:

    I’ve been trying to talk people into the karate kid shower costume for weeks.

    Am I the only person here who recognizes greatness?

  21. Chris says:

    Heather. How would a person make one those.

    That just seems like too much work…..

    Now Xena… Warrior Princess… That’s a costume I’d pay to see >:)

  22. Brendo says:

    Hardy, in the words of Mr. Connery I musht shay, you have to have shomthing you could be so kind as to share with ush. Shimply remember your charlemagne and it will come back, my good boy.


    Come on, do it, you know you want to, and I am SOOOOO excited to hear it. It will bring back some good memories and perhaps inspire the Sean in me!!!

  23. sarah says:

    Wear normal attire with a sign around your neck that says “Nudist on Strike.”

    I know that’s what I’m going to be.

  24. Chris says:

    Brendo: I don’t know what you are talking about

    Sarah: Hmm.. Thats an idea…