I think I’m getting the Black Lung, Pop
I continue to cough.
I’m not talking a danty little cough either.
I’m talking body wracking, brain hurting, eye popping coughing.
I think I’m ushering the next black plague.
Of course, being the stereotypical bachelor/male that I am. I’ll be going to the doctor, only when I am a knocking on deaths door.
i’m sorry about the cough, but the fact that you quoted Derek, makes you that much cooler.
May you have a hip hack.
LOVE that quote. If you can still be funny when you’re sick, you can’t be that sick. But I’m not a doc, so don’t quote me.
Sherp: Danke.
April: You think you’re too cool for school. Well here’s
a newsflash, Walter Kronkite…(extremely long pause)…you’re aren’t!
I can be sick, and on my death bed all at the same time. The death bed funny is just more… phlemmy.