It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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14 Responses

  1. Sue Anne says:

    While my family didn’t do it, I know many an LDS female who while their dad and brothers were away at Scout camp or at Priesthood session of conference spent the time in a marathon of Pride and Predjudice or Anne of Green Gables.

  2. stacer says:

    I don’t think I saw P&P until college, but then I was hooked. I’d rented it once on video, but it was so expensive to buy before DVDs came out because it was six tapes. So I waited and waited, renting it every now and then or watching it with friends in bits and pieces. I’ve even convinced a couple guy friends to watch it with me. The trick is you don’t do it all in one sitting. You set aside two hours every few weeks, and you’re done in three nights. Sometimes I just pop it in for noise, now that I don’t have cable.

  3. rachel says:

    I just want to say, I am very much a female and I have never seen any version of P&P. although I did take a jane austen in context class in college. and had to suffer approximately 02938752309875 of those awful conversations of which you speak. gaah.

  4. Living in home where I can watch only “appropriate” movies on Sundays, a whole lot of Mr. Darcy get watched around here.

    Colin Firth = Meow!

    And I probably wouldn’t have watched that semi-LDS version if it weren’t for my 3 second cameo. Go me.

  5. MIke says:

    As I guy, I haven’t seen it, don’t plan on seeing it, and don’t particularly want to see it.

  6. Jenny says:

    The A&E version and the BBC version are the same thing…get your facts straight. Boys have X-Box and girls have Pride. Just the way it is.

  7. Dad says:

    All I can say is you must have inherited your mothers preferences if you like board games, particularly Cranium, which leads me to believe that is why ou are beset by P & P. You deserve what is happening to you.

  8. Chris says:

    Sue Anne: So that’s what happens during the Priesthood session. I’ve always wondered, and that kind of confirms my suspicions..

    stacer: So are you just admitting to being a late bloomer? πŸ™‚

    rachel: You sound like an amazing girl >:)

    Susannah: You’ve confirmed my suspicions.. It’s all about the Darcy.

    Dad: I’m sure you will….

    Jenny: Not all boys have x-box’s. And if Leigh says I do.. Well, she’s also trying to make it sound like she doesn’t go to the Drive through all the time…

    Dad: You are crazy.. But I already new that πŸ™‚

  9. Crystal says:

    I always watch it in one sitting. I am hardcore. πŸ˜‰

  10. Chris says:

    Crystal: You are CRAZY!

    of course, P&P will do that to any human being, regardless of Gender.

  11. stacer says:

    Late bloomer? Perhaps. Either that or I’m dating myself.

  12. Melanie says:

    I haven’t ever seen it.

  13. Miss Hass says:

    Nemesis would confirm this if she were here: but I HATE Pride & Prejudice. Nemesis and her minions made me sit through 576,495 hours of it. I wasn’t allowed to go to bed until I had finished the whole. bloody. thing. It was worse than having oral surgery.

  14. Chris says:


    Are you sure? Are you just trying to trick me here?