I’m an ordinary man
So today, I realized what I had been thinking about in the P&P post(where I was going with it). I had been listening to some of the My Fair Lady soundtrack (I like musicals, big whoop, whanna fight about it?) when I started listening to “Ordinary Man”. For those of you who don’t know about this musical, Professor Enry Iggins is talking about how women bring out the bad side in him. From the song:
I’m an ordinary man
Who desires nothing more
Than just an ordinary chance
To live exactly as he likes
And do precisely what he wants.An average man am I,
Of no eccentric whim,
Who likes to live his life, free of strife,
Doing whatever he thinks is best for him.
Oh, Just an ordinary man.
All of these musicals take confirmed old bachelors and make a spectacle of them getting caught by women.
My Fair Lady: Henry Higgins: Falls for Ms. Dolittle.
Bye Bye Birdie: Albert: Falls for Rosie
Cat Ballou: Jed: Falls for Cat
The Great Race: Leslie Falls for Maggie
The Music Man: Harold Falls for Marian the Librarian (Mmmm.. Librarians….)
Wicked: I just want the soundtrack.
Moulin Rouge: Christian Falls for Satine
The Sound of Music: Capitan falls for Maria
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: All Seven brothers fall for all seven sisters.
Xanadu: Sonny Falls for Kira
Any one notice the a pattern here? I could go on, alas I wont. In each musical there is a perfectly fine bachelor doing his thing. Whether it be studying English, selling boys bands, or racing cars in big silly races. Each one of these guys are a fine specimen of the bachelor species. In the end of each one of these stories, they have been ensnared. No longer the fine examples of what a Bachelor should be.
I’m waiting for my life to turn into a musical.
If you really want your life turned into a Musical, then start singing.