If I only had a braaaiiiinnnnnn.
Earlier in the day, I had an idea for what to blog about.
It was a good idea.
No it was great.
When I say great, I mean, I was thinking “This is gonna make people laugh, cure world hunger, stop poverty, and cure bad breath.” I was stoked.
Then I finally get to a computer, and guess what. I forgot it. The pinnacle of my writing, and I forgot it!
Now imagine this happening every day, and you have a glimpse into my life.
It’s starting to really tick me off. I know it was good, I know it was funny.
I guess I’m gonna break down and buy myself a notebook, cuz I am officially tired of this happening.
On the other fronts, I have managed to drop 8lbs lately. That is stoking me beyond what it should!
Gordon also picked me up another game. It’s a Dragon’s Lair Gordon and Michael were kind enough to pick it up for me. Photos of the Warehouse & Game follow:
Welcome to my world.