Hangin Out!
If you came here, to read about me making fun of Anne of Green * (Gables, Avonlea, Pippi Longstockings, you take your pick), you will have to be disappointed.
That’s gonna be sometime next week.
I know, I know. A lot of you are waiting with baited breath for my insightful review of that show (of which, I have never seen).
Other things are more important.
No! (That will be posted later though).
The Book Meme from Brittany?? No (That will come later)
It’s about Elder Oak’s Talk at the CES Fireside tonight (Audio Feed here )
It’s good. You ought to listen to it. Rememember when I posted about the fact that there is something wrong with the singles of today? It was based off of Kelly’s Entry about Mormon girls.
In his talk he plainly stated “Hanging Out is not Ok”.
He said that the Church has been tracking the age of the single adults, and we continue to get married later and later in life. Part of this problem is that Dating has become a non entity in the Church. The men are not asking the women to do any dating behavior because they don’t have to. If they are lucky, the girl will do all the planning, and feed the guys as well.
It was funny. A lot different than his talk from General Conference. I had to agree with a lot of what he said. He listed the three P’s that make a date.
1) Is there Planning?
2) Is it Personal (one on one)
3) Does he Pay?
He had quite a few other gems. One of them was that courtship is not “A Team Sport”. Telling the boys to get off their rears and ate, and telling the girls that if you do turn a boy down, do in nicely.
We have somewhat fragile egos.
The girls were happy, some guys were gripping.
I liked it. If there were any parts you like ,feel free to stick them in the comments. I’ll peruse and reply.
Oh, I was studying for finals last night, but I’ll have to go listen to it. More importantly, I hope some guys in the singles wards here actually went to it.
But I kind of doubt it. It’s not just dating. Slackering in many aspects of church activity seems to be a matter of course here.
I wholeheartedly “enjoyed” it more than his conference talk. And my friends and I all laughed at it, because it is true. . . he hit the nail the on the head!
I enjoy that he told woman “don’t subsidize freeloaders” and to lock up the pantry.
I didn’t see it, as I went to a different fireside the same night (see my blog), but I’ll have to check it out at some point.
I know I’m not single, but I have comment to say the subsidizing freeloaders remark may single-handedly win funniest quote ever by an Apostle of the Lord.
Well – I have a friend. Who shall remain nameless, who said to me.
“I figured out what Elder Oaks said.. He meant…”
I just laughed.
But I enjoy freeloading just as much as the next LDS guy 😉 I just have to stop my impulses to do so