Finding the creative juices
I was recently watching some google video of a cat being forced to exersize on a treadmill. Good stuff, if you want to watch a cat be lazy.
As I was passively moving onto the comments, I saw a link to this image

Which made me then start laughing/crying through the archives of this web comic (new most favorite) when I found this comic

While this comic was very cute, it also made me think. I’m in the midst of redefining myself, which I think most people need to do throughout life. This has included getting a beard, and changing priorities, and trying to decide what to do with life.
I was recently asked if I was still blogging. I don’t know. Honestly, it sometimes is such a chore to put words down onto the computer, to craft words. I enjoy the act of writing, but how does it pan out to all my other work and priorities.
I’ll let ya’ll know.
For the record, a beard does not define a person. It just makes him hairier.
True, the accessories don’t make the man, the man makes the accessories.
It’s still something different 😉
Dude. Don’t do it.
Dont do what?
blog more
Revolution! The people demand blog posts of the hermit-bearded man!
Kind of ironic that there really weren’t any deep comments about you stating you are in the process of redefining yourself and that people need to do that throughout life. Maybe it’s just me. Anyway, I don’t think that people necessarily need to redefine themselves, but they most definitely do need to re-evaluate and continue to grow. I know how hard and scary it can be Chris, but it is important and worth it if you are stuck or unhappy. So I am proud of you and I hope that you find yourself again.