Confessions of a Fruit-N-Parfait Junkie
Welp, I just got back from Work. My Corporate slave master. Got paged in for a problem at 1:30am, get back to bed about 6:30. I couldn’t even see
what I’m typing on the computer. I was making typo’s all over the place. Yeah, having us work on production machines, when we are sleepy, is a swell idea.
Anyways, that’s besides the point. Some might say that I have a facisination with, nay, an addiction to the McDonalds Fruit Parfait.
I Can stop anytime. No. Really.
Anyways, this stuff is good, and ever since I have laid off on the heavy sugar items, I’ve started eating more and more of these lucious, good for you,
meals. Apparently it’s Dannon Yogurt I might have to go buy a tub of it. And it’s supposed to be good for you as well.. Ack! According to It’s got 380 calories! the internet has just crushed my dreams of eating parfaits 24×7!! I’ll have to rustle up a photo of it later…
1 Response
Going Off The Sugar (*not* the girl kind of sugar though)
Internets. I’ve decided it’s time for me to loose weight once again. I’ve posted about this before, in fact, if you look at the origins of my blog, it was for me loosing weight (Here ,here and here) In the…