A little bit of the Geek in me
Almost shot out the Peaches and Cream I was eating. When I saw this.

Now, I’ve been slowly unpacking, and getting the house up and running. Guess what happened on my first day at the house though?
You guessed it. I was jonesing for some internet. I needed it bad.
Didn’t make myself a cantenna.. Because, well I didn’t have to. But if backed up against a wall, I would have.
As for me.. Well, I was thinking of going to Utah.. but at the last minute decided not to. Money stress, house stress, knee stress, and other things were just too much. I was looking forward to seeing my families geriatric cat (His Imperial Furiness, Snowball the fifth), but hopefully he makes it to Thanksgiving. Seeing Family, and eating way way too much food.
Geek, Geek, geek. You are what you are, and we enjoy who you are.