Ready, Set, Impress (in 30 seconds or less)


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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8 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    Don’t believe this 30 or 45 second routine. Never have, never will. Moreover, if they are deciding that quickly, I wouldn’t want to have them as a boy/girl friend anyway.

  2. Rachel says:

    Allow me to disagree. I have seen plenty of beautiful women with butt ugly guys, but never have I seen a man (who wasn’t a troll himself) with a butt ugly woman. Men are way pickier than women.

  3. Chris says:

    Dad: Well, that’s what science says, and if you want to fight science… 😉

    Rachel: It didn’t say that women decided on looks, just that the decide faster than men, and are pickier about what they look for.

  4. Mike says:

    Don’t care what “science” says. I am not quite sure how they figure that you make up your mind anyway. What makes a good spouse is certainly dependent on “first impressions”, but I know lots of people who didn’t particularly care for their spouse at first site, and are very happily married. I am a firm believer that you look more than once, and give em a chance. My firm belief is that the current generation is too caught up with instaneous, whether it is having a new home, the latest gadgets, or figuring out who is dating material, thus the even higher divorce rate amongst your generation than mine, which by the way hasn’t done too well either.

  5. Chris says:

    I think they had them fill out questionaires? Or they filmed it? I dunno.

    As for the give it to me now. Well, that could be part of the problem, but I don’t think it is but a small tip on a very large iceberg.

  6. feather123 says:

    I agree w/Rachel. Men are oh so picky and don’t give nice girls a chance–if they don’t look like Barbie or Paris Hilton.

  7. Brian says:

    Your phone broken or something?? I’ve been trying to send you a video!!

  8. metamorphose says:

    Is there some sort of study about how upon meeting a woman, it only takes 10 seconds for a man to decide whether or not he could do her? Because really, that is most important. Whether or not she’s “girlfriend” material is completely irrelevant to a man until much later.

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