Category: Goofing-off

Star Trek – The Reboot

Star Trek – The Reboot

I saw it. It was good. Here is a link to a SNL skit (of which we all know, SNL loves to make fun of Trek). Thanks to my friend Jerad Formby (look at...

Sushi.. Drool

Sushi.. Drool

So.. I like me some Sushi. Of course, it’s impossible to get fresh fish from here. I was lucky enough to meet a vendor in my local Farmers market who sold fresh fresh fish....

Just when I thought George Lucas ..

Just when I thought George Lucas ..

Some artists take their art, and carefully expose it to the world. Then, there are those who make things like the Star Wars Holiday special, and then this treasure..

RIP Circuit City

RIP Circuit City

Circuity City is going outta business… But don’t expect there to be really good deals, watch the video below for some eye opening info In other news, I’m getting my knees scoped… Oh the...