Monthly Archive: May 2006



How bendable should a towel be before you wash it? Should it be able to hold it’s own shape? Kidding Kidding.. Still, it makes a good back scratcher… Kidding kidding.. But seriously, lots of...

Just goes to Snow

Just goes to Snow

I gots to love the state I live in. I was getting ready to snooze, and I look out my window (you know, the one that gets all the light from the hardware store...

Reason #54264532 I

Reason #54264532 I <3 the Barenaked Ladies

Recently a group of Canadian Musicians got together and started saying that the folks at the RIAA and Canadian equivelant were harming the music industry by suing the Fans. Who are the folks at...

I Am Man

I Am Man

It got posted. Like I predicted. And to prove I don’t squelch. Favorite parts: – Mini Van thrown over bridge – Hamburger with two patties, cheese, bacan, like a head of lettuce and an...