Soon to come
Welp, two things on the horizon. I got to meet BNL!!! That, shall we say, rocked, and rocked hard. More to come.
And I’m looking at a job in Utah. .. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.
If you don't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a lot longer than you want it to.
by Chris · November 30, 2003
Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.
11-09 : keep up the good work. Or should I say “down” 🙂
11-12 : I hate those late nights
11-13 : repeat after me…”Chris is not an idiot”.
11-14 : RE: 11-13
11-20 : congratulations. on both counts.
11-22 : nice pics
11-25 : what’s a wish ist? 🙂
11-26 : all work and no play is not a good thing.
11-30 : ….no comment….. 🙂