Moving right along, feeling fancy free.


Little bit Computer Junkie, Little bit pinball Junkie. Pretty much all around Geek.

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4 Responses

  1. Stef says:

    It’s true! I saw a guy in a restaurant on Monday night with a hot girl and wearing a bright pink shirt. WEIRD. Thank goodness you’re courageously bucking the trend. 😉 ~~

  2. Leigh says:

    Bwahhaahahaha!! Yep, friends DO do that, apparently. Though perhaps the timing is a bit off, as I just noticed that you said you’re trying to lose some pounds. Ooops. Okay, so maybe the picture was a bit uncalled for.

    I *heart* the Colorado Mills Mall. I spent many an hour there back when we were staying in Denver for that six weeks. Aaaaah. My heaven, a Super Target/Mall combo.

    And didn’t you know that pink is the new, well…everything? Just be sure to wear the pink shirt with your collar turned up. (Please, please, for the love of all that is good and fashionable, tell me you have not succumbed to THAT Miami Vice resurrection?!!!)

  3. Chris says:

    Stef: Someone has to stand up, and say NO! I will not wear PINK!

    Oh, I do hope the Miami Vice look comes back.

    It gives me hope that Parachute Pants will make a comback as well.

  4. Brendo says:

    A friend would never do such a thing. It takes a true brother to interupt his crepe eating to shoot a photo for another brother. Viva la France!!!