I’ve fallen in love….
Mom. Sit. Back. Down.
It’s not that type of love. You see, I have this obsession..
Yes Yes, I know, I have the Pinball obsession, but this is all part of my personality.
Whilst perusing Makezine I found a link to Do It Yourself Laser tag.
I was smitten at once. Nay, I was in deep twitterpation.
This system (MilesTag)is built with free code and based off the Army’s laser tag system (I went to Fort Irwin whilst on my mission. It’s home to one of the biggest lasertag games I’ve ever seen. The soldiers based there even where different uniforms). Of course, this means it rocks, and you can change it to do whatever you want.
I’m already starting to gather parts to build my gun(s).
So that it can join my halfway completed MAME Cabinet
It’s on it’s second build (oh how I love it so)
Pinball Dolly
My You Don’t know Jack controller
My non working Coke Machine
And of course, my mass of non-working pinball machines.
(this is not a cry for help people).
Ok.. Ok…
Maybe I’m just the techno-geek equivalent of the white trash neighbor who lives down the block. You know him. He has the engine block sitting out in the yard, along with the bath tub.
My front yard will just contain the remnants of arcade games, or go carts. I’m not sure which..
Tyson, Albie, Gordon or Brian.
You want in?
I think you should change the title of your blog from Livin it One Day At a Time to White Trash Techno-Geek’s Revenge…or something like that. That would be SWEET. ~~
Chris, you’re so cute! =) LOL
Stef: I tried it, it just never looked right..
Christi: Shhhh, don’t let the secret out..