Confessions of a heavy guy.
If you are reading this, most likely you are a friend. So you’ll know that I’m trying to loose the ole wieght.
Why you ask!? Well, it’s simple, I wasn’t happy with my weight. It’s time for me to slim down.
So 6 months ago, I was 273lbs. I’m now sitting at 226. I am getting ticked because I keep on eating junk the last few days, so my weight hasn’t been decreasing since then.
Had a friend of mine tell me that it must be good to go down in dress sizes. I was thinking to myself “does she not know that I’m a guy?” I dunno. Girls. I canna understand em >:)
1 Response
Going Off The Sugar (*not* the girl kind of sugar though)
Internets. I’ve decided it’s time for me to loose weight once again. I’ve posted about this before, in fact, if you look at the origins of my blog, it was for me loosing weight (Here ,here and here) In the…