By the Power Invested in Me by the Produce Section
Recently I went to the Greek Festival (Mmmmmm Gyro’s..) with a friend (name not mentioned to protect the innocent). After we consumed much Gyro and Baklava we decided it might be fun to go see a movie.
Since I’m a cheap-o, and I don’t believe in paying the movie theaters for the ticket, and then the insane “you’ve walked into a different world, where candy is $2.00 for a small Milk Duds” world of movie theaters, we went to go and, umm, get some candy from a Supermarket (the story of the candy making too much noise whilst in pockets can wait for another time, I was so smooth, trust me).
After we made the selection, and hammered out the fact that it would not besmirch my chivilary to have her pay, she handed the clerk her debit card.
He rung up the candy, printed up her receipt handed it to her and said “Thank you Mr and Mrs [Insert her last name here] for shopping at Safeway, have a good day.”
I never realized getting hitched was that EASY! I never knew I was going to take the girls last name either!
Apparently I won’t need any of the blind dates that are being set up for me when I make my trip to Utahr. (does this mean I need to be released from the singles branch as well?)
Yes, it will be that easy. Congratulations Chris.
I knew it would take place sooner or later. Apparently it was sooner. Congratulations and when do we get to meet your spouse?
If it is that easy seriously sign me up!!!
Wendy: Woooo HOOOO!
Dad: Soon, soon.
Heather: Start hunting for guys @ supermarkets 😉