Braaiinnsss (or the abandoned Table Rock Town)
As I’ve made the trek back and forth to Utah for the occasional Family gathering, BNL concert and girlfriend, I noticed this little town on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere.
It wasn’t like a small town, it was like someone had transplanted a small hunk of suburbia out in the middle of the hinterlands.
If I was a UFO believing man (and I probably am), I’d figure that the same aliens that show up at Devils Tower and play Simon with the US Military probably stole this block of houses from the Bermuda triangle. I mean, the pilots of the lost squadron could have lived in this town, right?
So after talking up my courage with the younger brother (who told me he had attempted to get in) I decided on the latest trip to see this little town. Here are some pictures.
Now, at no point did I ever leave my truck because there is no way I was going to become a Zombie snack. Zombies want you to be all relaxed, and the moment you walk out of your truck, you hear “Braaainnnnss” and then you are a goner.
This little town was kind of spooky, and there were drifts everywhere, there was an abandoned recreation center, I had to bust some drifts, and I was sweating up a storm (because, there was a no treaspasing sign, and I’m a rule keeper, so I was just waiting for security (Aka, this place was a top secret “Star Wars” facility like in Spies Like US) or the Zombies to get me.)
So I was happy to eventally leave.
Afterwards, Gordon was able to find an Article about the Table Rock Facility and the heyday of that little town, and then it’s eventual death (nother good reason to think Zombies just might live there).
is there anything that can ward off zombies? like a ring of salt or anything?
haha….maybe you could have found a zombie wife! 😉 JK. Hey…when is mission net……going to stop being a zombie?