Monthly Archive: August 2005

I feel sick.

I feel sick.

I had a good time at Brian Regan. I had a vehicle problem today. I shook while conducting sacrament. I found out that Peter Jennings had died of lung cancer. I got paged in...

You have died of Dysentery.

You have died of Dysentery.

I procrastinate. It’s not like I don’t have the excuses as to why I’m not getting everything taken care of. Laundry to be done, NASA computer desk put together, bills to be paid, pinball...

Heating up the house

Heating up the house

The server has been getting ready to melt down. I recently let the pinball nerds of the Internet (Yes, there is such a group, and they are mean…) know that I had photos of...

I’m not a smart man, Jennniee

I’m not a smart man, Jennniee

Well, it’s done. The hair has been cut. Cut shorter than I thought it would be. I did manage to get some cat calls and whistles at FHE. I wish I could say that...

I scream, you scream.

I scream, you scream.

Then something, something. End result, we all get some ice cream. I was perusing my LdsLinkup profile. LdsLinkup is a “Social Networking” website, it’s for everyone. Well, that’s what they claim anyways. If you...